As the Funtec lines are the widely considered the best available competition lines in the world, I am focusing on how to replicate them using locally sourced materials (you could save as much as 50% on the cost). To make these lines yourself is fairly easy but does take a bit of time to source the materials and put them together.
Materials needed:
Corner pieces. You still need to order the corner pieces from Funtec in Germany but these are small and light so shipping them is fast and easy. These are made in plastic and can occasionally break so its good to have a few spares in stock.
Webbing. This is often sold as truck strap webbing and used for tie downs on trucks. I found 50m rolls in varying colours and thicknesses so it was easy to order the standard royal blue colour and in a heavy duty thickness so the wind won't blow them around. (not too thick or it wont fit easily thru the plastic corner pieces.) A 50m roll is perfect for 1 set of lines.
Bungy cord. Approx 4 metres per set of lines (1 metre per corner)
Treated plywood - 18mm thick. 4 squares per set (1 square per corner) cut the squares approx 15cm each side (using treated and 18mm thick plywood will make these last many seasons)
A lighter, scissors and tape measure.
Cut the webbing into 2 lengths at 16.5m and 2 lengths at 8.5m (equals 50m)
Burn the cut ends with the lighter to stop the webbing fraying. (do this very lightly so as not to make a thick edge on the webbing or it won't fit through the Funtec corner pieces)
Cut 150mm squares of treated plywood and drill 2 10mm holes in the middle fairly close together.
Cut the 8mm bungy cord into 1 metre lengths and burn the ends to melt together and stop fraying.
Starting with 1 Funtec corner piece, thread a length of webbing through it and work your way around the 4 corners. (you can adjust on first install for the correct lengths but it will be about 15cm excess at each end)
Once you have the webbing all threaded into the corners then attach the plywood anchors using the bungy cord. Thread the cord through the hole in the Funtect corner piece and then put the 2 ends of the bungy through the 2 holes in the plywood. Put the 2 ends together and tie a simple overhand knot and pull the bungy super tight to ensure the knot will hold. Repeat on all 4 corners.
